Design conscious homes in Surrey progress
15th March 2023
Thanks to mezzanine funding provided by Crowdstacker investors, a beautiful new development of two fabulous design-conscious homes has got underway in the wilds of Surrey.
Perhaps most surprisingly these homes will be built 'upside down' meaning the living space will be on the top floor and bedrooms on the floor below. This is to make the most of the hillside views across the wooded area in which they are being built.
A key part of the design is the seclusion of the properties, despite being built in close proximity to each other, as well as being within the popular area of Haslemere. Work so far has concentrated on clearing the land to ensure the preservation of key mature trees which will surround the new homes to provide privacy and create an immediate sense of belonging despite being brand new homes.
A quick summary of the Hindhead PDL which provided the funding for this project, plus some photographs of the latest progress made on site, can be seen in our video update.
If you'd like to find out about similar projects currently raising funds via Crowdstacker, check out our investment page