A great year for Crowdstacker PDLs!
26th December 2023
2023 has been an amazing year for Crowdstacker's Property Development Loans.
We launched this type of investment in late 2021 with the aim of focusing on specific property development projects. They provide top up lending to developers and are secured against the value of the land and/or buildings.
This year we have averaged 14.7% p.a. returns for investors, and paid more than £1.1million in interest.
Projects can be as diverse as one-off new builds to create stunning £multi-million homes, or simple reconfiguration of period properties to create apartments, and everything in between.
Take a look at our 2023 round-up here.
And if this inspires you to think about investing in property in 2024 then rest assured we have plenty of new projects coming online. You can always check out our range of live investments on our investment page.